How I Became a Virtual Magician Doing Online Magic Shows
I never expected to become a virtual magician—and the role ended up helping me create more connection, community, and wonder than I could ever have imagined.
Like everyone in the world, the COVID-19 pandemic changed my life in unexpected ways. As a professional magician and motivational speaker, I was used to a life on the road, traveling to perform magic shows and give inspirational talks across the country. When the pandemic hit in early 2020, all of that came to a screeching halt as events were canceled left and right.
At first, I was in denial, thinking this would blow over in a few weeks. But as the weeks dragged on into months, I went through all the stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression. I resisted accepting this massive change to my career and lifestyle, especially since my wife had just told me she was pregnant with our second child a few weeks before the pandemic started. Our first child had only just turned one.
But resisting change only makes things harder. Once I finally reached acceptance, everything shifted.
Embracing the Pivot
I remember the day clearly. I sat down, resigned to the fact that I’d be hunkering down at home for the foreseeable future. Scrolling through my phone, I read an article by General Stanley A. McChrystal saying I needed to embrace digital tools to stay connected. At first I was resistant. But then inspiration struck.
Within an hour, I got an email asking me to do a virtual magic show on Zoom for their client appreciation event. I'd never done anything like that before, but I said yes! Necessity is the mother of invention.
What followed was an avalanche of interest. I received hundreds, maybe over a thousand, requests for virtual magic shows from all over the world during the peak pandemic months.
That first virtual show was a hopeful experiment. But it led to an incredible discovery—doing online shows allowed me to redefine the purpose of my entire business and connect with people on a whole new level.
Maximizing Human Connection
In my rush to pivot to virtual shows, my first performances were for small groups of 10 clients at a time. To my surprise, they all joined the Zoom calls with their kids in tow!
I don't normally perform for children, but this turned out to be an amazing opportunity. Having the whole family together and doing magic just for them brought people so much joy and connection during a really isolating time.
I realized that with the right technology, I could maximize that human connection even through a screen. I set up a giant monitor behind me so people could see themselves, just like I would bring someone on stage at an in-person show. Calling people out by name and interacting made it so much more than a passive one-way experience.
Check out this video from early in the pandemic as I transitioned to the virtual magic show world.
Embracing the Unexpected
While many of my colleagues gave up on virtual shows and waited for a return to normal, I fully embraced this unexpected pivot. I ended up doing more online shows for more people all over the world than I ever had before the pandemic.
It wasn't easy. I had to completely rework my approach, learn new tech skills, and push myself way outside my comfort zone. But by accepting change instead of fighting it, I was able to turn crisis into opportunity.
I used online magic shows to raise funds for Second Harvest Food Bank; help employers bring joy to households on Virtual Take Your Child To Work Day; create strategic business partnerships for local, regional and national clients; and engage business franchisees across the world.
I've continued performing virtual magic shows even as we've moved into the endemic phase. As a virtual keynote speaker, I’ve also transformed all of my in-person keynote speaking programs into fully interactive, hyper-engaging digital workshops and keynotes.
So many companies have embraced virtual and hybrid work, and virtual shows remain an amazing way to build community and create memories. They're also a great lead-in to an in-person event.
While I'm back to in-person shows, I keep improving as a Zoom magician, upgrading my home studio setup over time. My barebones initial setup -- which literally began in my wife's and my bedroom -- has been replaced with a TV-quality set with professional lighting, cameras, and set decoration that really transports people.
The last few years have been my most productive, impactful, and fulfilling yet thanks to embracing virtual magic. It never would have happened if I hadn't taken a chance on new approaches.
So the next time life throws you a curveball, remember my story. Lean into change instead of running from it. You never know what amazing things might be possible if you open your mind to new approaches. Think Like A Magician™ — and embrace transformation.
🪄 Think Like a (Virtual) Magician:
Don't resist change - flow with it. Accepting change gives you power over it.
Look for opportunities in setbacks. Every obstacle can become a chance for growth if you have the right mindset.
Embrace the unexpected. Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs happen when you're pushed outside your comfort zone.
Leverage technology to maximize human connection, even from afar. With creativity, you can adapt to keep making an impact.
The Takeaway
Change is inevitable, but how you respond to it is a choice. if I had resisted change and fought against the shifts in my career, I would have stayed complacent and content. But I would have missed the opportunity to grow and serve my clients in new and unexpected ways. Next time you're faced with change, embrace the uncertainty, dive into the unknown and ride that wave of possibility. Think new thoughts, adapt new actions. And, like a magician, transform the chaos of life into boundless opportunity.
Bring The Magic of Virtual Events to Your Team
If you'd like to book me for a customized virtual magic show to engage your remote teams or clients, don't hesitate to get in touch!
My booking team can walk you through the process and make the experience magical.
Additional Reading About Online Magic Shows:
7 Questions to Ask BEFORE You Book a Virtual Magic Show (How to Choose a Magician)
Virtual Mentalism Shows: 5 Reasons Why They’ll Psych Up Your Employees
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