Thoughts from The Business Magician
Kostya’s Blog

Combatting Hunger with a Virtual Magic Show: On TV with Jason Guy
I'm preparing for my virtual magic show to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank. This morning I got to speak with our local news reporter, Jason Guy, and I got to do a little magic for him and tell him all about the show.

Virtual Magic on TV News via Zoom
This week I made an appearance on FOX 35 News in Orlando, using Zoom to connect with host, David Martin and amaze him with a magic trick.

Fool Us: No Tricks, I Just Do It
In Season 2 of "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" I fooled Penn & Teller and made Penn pretty mad about it. The performance video went viral and made a huge difference in my life.
Invited back for Season 5, I decided to do something different. Here’s the full video. And, if you're curious about what was going through my mind and what went on right before filming, my wife, Amy, and I discussed what we were feeling, just four hours before showtime in Las Vegas.