Thoughts from The Business Magician
Kostya’s Blog
Embracing Digital Leadership
As a facilitator of live events, I’ve never embraced the digital world. Now, having the choice to do that or do nothing, I’ve decided to pivot.. In this time of “physical distancing,” it’s time for “digital socialization” and a new era of “digital leadership.”
Lifestyle Changes That Last, Like Magic
Practicing magic for 20 years has taught me that practice never ends. You're constantly refining ideas, perfecting techniques. The levels of learning make themselves very clear.
I’m starting to see that the positive strides I’ve made in changing certain behaviors have each taken a year or more to develop. And they follow a pattern similar to the one that comes when anyone goes for a lifestyle change.
I find something I want to change, I find a reason why I want that, I learn how I can accomplish it, and then I am disappointed at myself and disapprove of my inability to do so easily. I then forget about the goal, and the efforts leave my conscious thoughts.