Why I'm Hosting a Virtual Magic Show to Combat Hunger
Thursday, April 29, 2021, 7:00-8:15pm ET on Zoom
$100 Donation per household
“This virtual magic show has put the food on the table for my family for the last year, and now I’d like to help put food on the table for hundreds of families who need it most. ”
When COVID hit and all of my in-person events and keynote speeches were canceled, I set about to create a brand new magic show, in a brand new medium. Creating this show ended up transforming my life psychologically, emotionally, and financially.
Psychologically, it gave me a new challenge and focus. While raising our toddler and waiting for our next child to be born, working on creating new magic gave me creative purpose.
Emotionally, I realized from the very first show, how much positivity doing magic virtually could create. As soon as I did my first show, I would get emails saying this was the best experience they had had in a month or two of quarantine. I could feel that people needed the joy love and laughter from being seen and feeling connected.
Not only that but meeting with clients all over the world via Zoom to prepare for these shows was my only social time with strangers during the quarantine, and I loved every virtual meeting I had.
Financially, I did not know what to expect. When all of my in-person business was canceled in March, we cut our business expenses by 80% and anticipated hunkering down and living off our savings. But just a few months later, I had performed several dozen shows and could clearly see the impact I was making on team meetings and client events for businesses and organizations around the world.
And with clients asking for repeat bookings and giving multiple referrals, not only was December the busiest month I’ve ever had, but 2020 ended up being the most successful year I’ve had in my 20+ years as a professional magician.
When I did my first virtual news appearance in May, in front of a barren wall and with just a quarter of the equipment I would end up building in my home studio, I never anticipated what would happen.
So now, a year later, I can’t think of a better way to give thanks and give back than to provide help and support to people in my community of Central Florida.
This virtual magic show has put the food on the table for my family for the last year, and now I’d like to help put food on the table for hundreds of families who need it most.
So please join me on April 29 at 7pm EST. Your $100 ticket includes admission for your entire household, more than an hour of unforgettable and amazing entertainment featuring theatrical mind-reading, mentalism and mind-blowing sleight-of-hand magic. You’ll watch on Zoom from your home with your family, while I wow you live, calling on people by name to participate in the magic.
And most importantly, 100% of ticket sales go directly to provide food for kids, families and seniors in Central Florida via Second Harvest Food Bank. Each ticket will help to provide 400 meals — that is true magic!